Study programmes
> Faculty list
> Stanisław Staszic State University of Applied Sciences in Piła
> Courses conducted
Courses at
Stanisław Staszic State University of Applied Sciences in Piła
- Social rehabilitation ERASMUS>KRY06
- Social skills training ERASMUS>PED21
- Sociology ERASMUS>PED06
- Sociology in security studies ERASMUS>KRY01
- Sociology of development and social change ERASMUS>PED07
- Soil mechanics ERASMUS>BUD19
- Spa and wellness ERASMUS>KOS01
- Special Methods in Physiotherapy ERASMUS>FIZ06
- Specialised rescue ERASMUS>RAT01
- Specialist English 1 ERASMUS>SENG1
- Specialized emergency procedures ERASMUS>RAT12
- Specializing workshop ERASMUS>ELE14
- Standardization in nursing ERASMUS>PIE07
- State science ERASMUS>EKO30
- Statistics and elements of AI in scientific research ERASMUS>EKO20
- Statistics and forecasting ERASMUS>EKO19
- Strength of Materials I ERASMUS>BUD01
- Strength of Materials II ERASMUS>BUD02
- Structural mechanics I ERASMUS>BUD03
- Structural mechanics II ERASMUS>BUD04
- Surgery ERASMUS>RAT17
- Sustainable development ERASMUS>BUD11
- Teacher deontology ERASMUS>PED13
- Technical education ERASMUS>TECED
- Technical mechanics I ERASMUS>TRA01
- Technical mechanics II ERASMUS>TRA02
- Technical procedures in medical rescue ERASMUS>RAT09
- The economics of European integration ERASMUS>EKO08
- Thesis methodology ERASMUS>TRA08
- Traces as a subject of chemical research ERASMUS>KRY11
- Transport company management ERASMUS>TRA18
- Transport infrastructure ERASMUS>TRINF
- Transport of hazardous cargo ERASMUS>TRA21
- Transport systems ERASMUS>TRSYS
- Transport technology ERASMUS>TRTEC
- Trauma patient ERASMUS>RAT08
- Trial tactics in criminalistics ERASMUS>KRY08
- Tribology ERASMUS>MEC08
- Trichology with the elements of selected diseases treatment ERASMUS>KOS15
- Trichology with the elements of styling ERASMUS>TELES
- Types and institutions of security ERASMUS>KRY02
- Ultrasound in sudden cardiac arrest ERASMUS>RAT15
- Vitamins in cosmetology ERASMUS>KOS13
- Warehousing process management ERASMUS>TRA25
- Warehousing technology ERASMUS>WHTEC
- Web design ERASMUS>WEBDE
- Web design and programming ERASMUS>WEBPR
- Workshop of educational skills ERASMUS>PED10
- Written statement in business communication 1 ERASMUS>BCOM1
- Written statement in business communication 2 ERASMUS>BCOM2