Technical education ERASMUS>TECED
Aims of the course:
1. for students to acquire a structured body of knowledge concerning the development of technology over the centuries.
2. acquire the ability to describe the historical development of a technology, device, machine or component.
Learning outcomes:
1. knows the issues of development of technology over the centuries development of methods of obtaining energy, development of metallurgy, manufacturing techniques, steam vehicles, internal combustion, aviation.
2. knows the necessity of using previous achievements of researchers of a given problem and analyzing the reasons for possible failures.
3. is able to acquire information from the literature, the Internet, databases and other available sources, integrate obtained information and interpret it.
4. is able to prepare oral and written presentations on technical issues.
5. understands the need for systematic and persistent work in pursuit of a goal.
6. knows the need for self-education.
Additional information
Additional information (registration calendar, class conductors, localization and schedules of classes), might be available in the USOSweb system: