Lighting and lamps ERASMUS>ELE15
1. Basics of light technology: optical radiation (UV, VIS, IR), the basics of the phenomenon of vision (sensitivity spectral eye, effects of optical radiation, basic parameters and quantities occurring in lighting technology (cd, lm, lx, Ra, Tb,) - definitions, examples.
2. Basics of photometry: rules for measuring luminous quantities (measurements of illuminance, flux light, spectral distribution, color measurement, radiometric measurements).
3. Classification and application of individual light sources (incandescent lamps, low-pressure discharge lamps, diesel, LED, OLED).
4. Principles of operation and power supply of individual light sources / lighting systems.
5.Regulation and control of lighting (standard lighting control protocols and their characteristics: DALI, DMX, Zigbee, 0-10VDC).
6. Lighting for general use objects (applicable standards and recommendations, selection of the number and type of sources and of lighting fixtures, getting to know the available tools for computer-aided design lighting).
7. Ways to increase the energy efficiency of lighting systems (optimization of the selection of sources, fittings, interior finishes, use of the control room).
8. Introduction to Dialux (getting to know the functions available in the program, sample tasks.
9. Implementation of the set lighting parameters in a specific room.
10. Interior lighting design with the use of light scenes and regulation systems.
11. Measurements of lighting intensity in a room using a luxmeter.
12. Exercises in the field of outdoor lighting (roads / sports facilities).
13. Optimization of lighting in a given room in terms of lighting with an estimate energetic.
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