Akademia Nauk Stosowanych im. Stanisława Staszica w Pile - Central Authentication SystemYou are not logged in | log in


Who can I ask for help?

DepartmentLocalizationPhone numberPhone numberE-mail
International Relations Office Building A, rooms 23 and 29 67/352-26-80 67/352-26-81 iro@ans.pila.pl
Student Dormitory ul. Żeromskiego 14 67/352-26-45 (w. 21) 67/352-26-46 (w. 21) domstudenta@ans.pila.pl
Department of Electrotechnics Building J, room 119, 120 67/352-26-51 67/352-26-12 elektrotechnika@ans.pila.pl
Department of Civil Engineering Building J, room 119, 120 67/352-26-51 67/352-26-12 budownictwo@ans.pila.pl
Department of Mechanical Engineering Building J, room 119, 120 67/352-26-12 67/352-26-51 mechanika@ans.pila.pl
Department of Transportation Building J, room 119, 120 67/352-26-12 67/352-26-51 transport@ans.pila.pl
Department of Economics Building B, room 211 67/352-26-11 - ekonomia@ans.pila.pl
Department of Philology Building D, room 209 67/352-26-07 - filologia@ans.pila.pl
Department of Pedagogy Building D, room 209 67/352-26-07 - pedagogika@ans.pila.pl
Department of Nursing Building B, room 6 67/352-26-95 67/352-26-93 pielęgniarstwo@ans.pila.pl
Department of Physioteraphy Building B, room 6 67/352-26-93 67/352-26-95 fizjoterapia@ans.pila.pl
Department of Cosmetology Building B, room 6 67/352-26-95 67/352-26-93 kosmetologia@ans.pila.pl
Department of Emergency Medical Services Building B, room 6 67/352-26-93 67/352-26-95 ratownictwo@ans.pila.pl