Fundamentals of nursing ERASMUS>PIE01
The course prepares the student for the care focused on the healthy, sick, threatened with illness human being, his/her family, social group, taking into account the achievements of the humanities and medical sciences, expectations and feelings of the service recipient. It teaches the student to assess bio-psycho-social condition of the patient, to define the aims of care and planning to choose the right methods and techniques in nursing, to shape the attitude of empathy, responsibility and conscientiousness in performing professional roles of a nurse.
Learning outcomes
1. determinants of nursing development against the background of transformation of nursing care and professionalization of modern nursing,
2. the concept of nursing, including supporting, helping and accompanying,
3. functions and professional tasks of a nurse and the role of a patient in the process of nursing care realization,
4. the process of nursing (the essence, stages, principles) and primary nursing (the essence, distinctions), and the impact of traditional nursing on the functioning of nursing practice,
5. classifications of nursing diagnoses and practices,
6. essence of nursing care based on selected theoretical assumptions (Florence Nightingale, Virginia Henderson, Dorothea Orem, Callista Roy, Betty Neuman),
7. essence, aim, indications, contraindications, complications, obligatory rules and technique of basic nursing, diagnostic, therapeutic and rehabilitation activities
1. apply a selected nursing method in patient care,
2. gather information by interview, observation, measurement, physical examination, analysie of documentation in order to recognize patient's health condition and formulate nursing diagnosis,
3. set goals and plan of nursing care and realize it together with a patient and his family,
4. monitor patient's health condition during staying in hospital or other organizational units of health care system,
5. make current and final assessment of patient's health condition and undertaken nursing actions,
6. manage documents and evaluate patient's fluid balance,
7. perform measurements of body temperature, pulse, respiration, arterial blood pressure, central venous pressure, circumference, saturation, peak expiratory flow and anthropometric measurements (body weight, height, BMI, fat distribution indexes: WHR, WHtR, thickness of skin-fat folds),
8. take material for laboratory and microbiological tests and assist a doctor during diagnostic tests,
9. apply anti-inflammatory procedures,
10. store and prepare drugs in accordance with the binding standards,
11. give drugs to a patient by different routes, according to a written doctor's order or according to his/her competences, and calculate drug doses,
12. perform rinsing of the oral cavity, throat, eye, ear, stomach, bladder, intestinal fistula and wounds,
13. use the available methods of feeding a patient (orally, through a tube, nutritional fistulae),
14. move and position a patient using various techniques and methods,
15. perform respiratory gymnastics and bed drainage, airway clearance and inhalation,
16. perform rubbing, patting, active and passive exercises,
17. perform hygienic procedures,
18. take care of skin and its products as well as mucous membranes with the use of pharmacological agents and medical materials, including application of therapeutic baths,
19. assesse the risk of developing bedsores and applies prophylactic measures,
20. insert a urinary bladder catheter, monitors diuresis and removes the catheter,
21. place a gastric tube and monitor and remove the tube,
22. keep and use medical documentation
1. be guided by the best interests of the patient, respect the dignity and autonomy of those entrusted to their care, show understanding for differences in worldview and culture, and show empathy in relationships with patients and their families,
2. take responsibility for his/her professional activities,
3. consult experts in case of difficulties with solving a problem on their own,
4. recognize and recognize their own limitations in terms of knowledge, skills and social competences, and make self-assessments of deficits and educational needs.
The course prepares the student for the care focused on the healthy, sick, threatened with illness human being, his/her family, social group, taking into account the achievements of the humanities and medical sciences, expectations and feelings of the service recipient. It teaches the student to assess bio-psycho-social condition of the patient, to define the aims of care and planning to choose the right methods and techniques in nursing, to shape the attitude of empathy, responsibility and conscientiousness in performing professional roles of a nurse.
Learning outcomes
1. determinants of nursing development against the background of transformation of nursing care and professionalization of modern nursing,
2. the concept of nursing, including supporting, helping and accompanying,
3. functions and professional tasks of a nurse and the role of a patient in the process of nursing care realization,
4. the process of nursing (the essence, stages, principles) and primary nursing (the essence, distinctions), and the impact of traditional nursing on the functioning of nursing practice,
5. classifications of nursing diagnoses and practices,
6. essence of nursing care based on selected theoretical assumptions (Florence Nightingale, Virginia Henderson, Dorothea Orem, Callista Roy, Betty Neuman),
7. essence, aim, indications, contraindications, complications, obligatory rules and technique of basic nursing, diagnostic, therapeutic and rehabilitation activities
1. perform diagnostic tests for determination of ketone bodies and glucose in blood and urine and cholesterol in blood and other strip tests,
2. store and prepare drugs in accordance with current standards,
3. administer drugs to the patient by various routes, according to the doctor's written order or according to their competence, and calculate drug doses,
4. perform vaccinations against influenza, hepatitis and tetanus,
5. insert and remove catheters from peripheral veins, perform intravenous drip infusions as well as monitor and take care of the site of peripheral insertion, central insertion and vascular port,
6. keep and use medical documentation
1. be guided by the best interests of the patient, respect the dignity and autonomy of those entrusted to their care, show understanding for differences in worldview and culture, and show empathy in relationships with patients and their families,
2. take responsibility for his/her professional activities,
3. consult experts in case of difficulties with solving a problem on their own,
4. recognize and recognize their own limitations in terms of knowledge, skills and social competences, and make self-assessments of deficits and educational needs.
Koordynatorzy przedmiotu
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