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Electrical engineering (ZEK-SL)

(in Polish: Elektrotechnika studia inżynierskie)
first cycle studies
full time, 3,5 years, 7 semesters
Language: polish


Translating in progress

Qualification awarded:

(in Polish) Inżynier

Access to further studies:

Complementary Master's degree studies or post-graduate studies.

Professional status:

not applicable

Learning outcomes

We have more than one version of this field. Click below and select the version you want to see:


Course structure diagram:

Abbreviations used in tables:
lect - Lecture
egz - Exam
lab - Laboratory
p - Practice
pro - Projects
sam - Self-education
sem - Seminar
ćw - Exercise
c - Credit
x - Final rating
zo - Credit for the grade
1 semester, Electrical engineering, full-time studies, first cycle studiesECTSlectegzlabpprosamsemćwexam
English Language I230zo
Information Technology21020x
Physical education I030c
Physics I33015x
Geometry And Engineering Graphics21515x
Computer Science I33020x
Material Engineering115x
Mathematics I94560x
Introduction to occupational safety and health04c
Library training02c
Przedmiot do wyboru 1:
jak powyżej15x
Przedmiot do wyboru 2:
Contemporary philosophy115x
jak powyżej15x
2 semester, Electrical engineering, full-time studies, first cycle studiesECTSlectegzlabpprosamsemćwexam
English Language II230zo
Physical education II030c
Physics II21515x
Computer Science II310 or 1530x
Mathematics II53030x
Work Safety with Electrical Equipment And Ergonomics230 or 15x
Metrology I4303010x
Professional Training- primary 15160x
Circuit theory I97545x
3 semester, Electrical engineering, full-time studies, first cycle studiesECTSlectegzlabpprosamsemćwexam
English Language III230zo
Automation And Automatic Adjustment I230 or 1530 or 15x
Digital electronics530151015x
Metrology II430015 or 3015 or 10x
Circuit theory II83030 or 4530x
Electrical equipment43030x
Przedmiot do wyboru:
Electromagnetic compatibility21515x
Theory Of Magnetic Fieldjak powyżej1515x
4 semester, Electrical engineering, full-time studies, first cycle studiesECTSlectegzlabpprosamsemćwexam
English Language IV3030zo
Automation And Automatic Adjustment II415 or 30151515x
Electrical Power Engineering4301515x
Electrical Machines6453015 or 20x
ABC Electronics530151020x
Professional Training- primary 24120x
Microprocessor techniques I2200205x
Przedmiot do wyboru:
Electrical Lightingjak powyżej1515x
(in Polish) 5 semestr, Elektrotechnika, Elektromobilność, studia stacjonarne, pierwszego stopniaECTSlectegzlabpprosamsemćwexam
ABC Enterprise at Small and Medium Business115x
Management and business conduct115x
Power Electronics I330015x
Programmable Drivers I32025 or 3015x
Microprocessor techniques II3102015x
Electronic systems620152020x
Przedmiot do wyboru:
Working and reliability21515x
Mechanics And Mechatronicsjak powyżej1515x
5 semester, Electrical engineering, Renewable energy resources, full-time studies, first cycle studiesECTSlectegzlabpprosamsemćwexam
ABC Enterprise at Small and Medium Business115x
Management and business conduct115x
Power Electronics I330015x
Programmable Drivers I32025 or 3015x
Microprocessor techniques II3102015x
Electronic systems620152020x
Renewable energy sources3301515x
Przedmiot do wyboru:
Working and reliability21515x
Mechanics And Mechatronicsjak powyżej1515x
5 semester, Electrical engineering, Automation and electronic systems, full-time studies, first cycle studiesECTSlectegzlabpprosamsemćwexam
ABC Enterprise at Small and Medium Business115x
Management and business conduct115x
Power Electronics I330015x
Programmable Drivers I32025 or 3015x
Microprocessor techniques II3102015x
Electronic systems620152020x
Digital Signal Processing23015x
Intelligent Electrical Installations33030x
Przedmiot do wyboru:
Working and reliability21515x
Mechanics And Mechatronicsjak powyżej1515x
(in Polish) 6 semestr, Elektrotechnika, Elektromobilność, studia stacjonarne, pierwszego stopniaECTSlectegzlabpprosamsemćwexam
Electrical Driving Systems4222414x
Power Electronics II5303030x
Programmable Drivers II3101515x
Professional Training- special 17200x
Professional Training- special 25160x
Pre-thesial project330x
Pre-thesial seminar115x
Przedmiot do wyboru:
Computer model of dynamical systemsjak powyżej1530x
6 semester, Electrical engineering, Renewable energy resources, full-time studies, first cycle studiesECTSlectegzlabpprosamsemćwexam
Electrical Driving Systems4222414x
Power Electronics II5303030x
Programmable Drivers II3101515x
Professional Training-special 17200x
Professional Training-special 25160x
Pre-thesial project330x
Pre-thesial seminar11515x
Przedmiot do wyboru:
Computer model of dynamical systemsjak powyżej1530x
6 semester, Electrical engineering, Automation and electronic systems, full-time studies, first cycle studiesECTSlectegzlabpprosamsemćwexam
Electrical Driving Systems4222414x
Power Electronics II5303030x
Programmable Drivers II3101515x
Automatic Elements And Equipment33030x
Professional Training- special 17200x
Professional Training- special 25160x
Pre-thesial project360 or 30x
Pre-thesial seminar115x
Przedmiot do wyboru:
Computer model of dynamical systemsjak powyżej1530x
(in Polish) 7 semestr, Elektrotechnika, Elektromobilność, studia stacjonarne, pierwszego stopniaECTSlectegzlabpprosamsemćwexam
Protection of intellectual property115x
Control Systems For Electromechanic Systems322158x
23030 or 15x
Professional Training - special 35160x
Preparation to diploma exam150x
Diploma seminar360x
Specialisation Workshops136x
7 semester, Electrical engineering, Renewable energy resources, full-time studies, first cycle studiesECTSlectegzlabpprosamsemćwexam
Protection of intellectual property115x
Control Systems For Electromechanic Systems322158x
Professional Training- special 35160x
Preparation to diploma exam150x
Diploma seminar360x
Devices and Systems Operating with Renewable Energy Sources21515x
Specialisation Workshops130x
7 semester, Electrical engineering, Automation and electronic systems, full-time studies, first cycle studiesECTSlectegzlabpprosamsemćwexam
Protection of intellectual property115x
Control Systems For Electromechanic Systems322158x
ABC Robotics Technology23015x
Professional Training- special 35160x
Preparation to diploma exam150x
Diploma seminar360x
Specialisation Workshops140 or 30x

Admission procedures:

Visit the following page for details on admission procedures: https://irk.ans.pila.pl/