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Civil engineering (BBU-SL)

(in Polish: Budownictwo studia inżynierskie)
first cycle studies
full time, 3,5 years, 7 semesters
Language: polish


Translating in progress

Qualification awarded:

(in Polish) Inżynier

Access to further studies:

Complementary Master's degree studies or post-graduate studies.

Professional status:

not applicable

Learning outcomes

We have more than one version of this field. Click below and select the version you want to see:


Course structure diagram:

Abbreviations used in tables:
lect - Lecture
egz - Exam
lab - Laboratory
p - Practice
pro - Projects
sam - Self-education
sem - Seminar
ćw - Exercise
c - Credit
x - Final rating
zo - Credit for the grade
1 semester, Civil engineering, full-time studies, first cycle studiesECTSlectegzlabpprosamsemćwexam
Physics I33015x
Mathematics I64560x
Theoretical Mechanics I3151515x
English Language I230zo
ABC Enterprise at Small and Medium Business115x
Information Technology21515x
Geodesy I21515x
Descriptive Geometry and Technical Drawing I31530x
Constructional Materials33015x
Introduction to occupational safety and health04c
Library training02c
Physical Education030c
Przedmiot do wyboru:
Technical education21515x
Balanced Developmentjak powyżej1515x
2 semester, Civil engineering, full-time studies, first cycle studiesECTSlectegzlabpprosamsemćwexam
Physics II21515x
Mathematics II53030x
Theoretical Mechanics II31515x
English Language II230zo
Geodesy II31530x
Descriptive Geometry and Technical Drawing II230x
Hydraulics And Hydrology 21515x
Materials Strength I630151515x
Practical Training I3160 or 80x
Physical Education030c
3 semester, Civil engineering, full-time studies, first cycle studiesECTSlectegzlabpprosamsemćwexam
Calculation Methods21530x
English Language III230zo
Management and business conduct115x
Transport Roads Construction21515x
General Construction I6303015x
Physics of Structures I31530x
Management of Investment Process I43030x
Concrete Structures I23015x
Steel Structures I2151515x
Concrete and mortar technology3151515x
Materials Strength II215 or 301515x
4 semester, Civil engineering, Energy-efficient constructions, full-time studies, first cycle studiesECTSlectegzlabpprosamsemćwexam
General Construction II21515x
Building Installation21515x
English Language IV3030zo
Concrete Structures II3151515x
Steel Structures II33015x
Theory Of Structures I4301515x
Soil Mechanics2151515x
Practical Training II5160x
Thermal diagnostics of buildings21515x
Thermal modernization of buildings31530x
4 semester, Civil engineering, Building and civil engineering structures, full-time studies, first cycle studiesECTSlectegzlabpprosamsemćwexam
General Construction II21515x
Building Installation21515x
English Language IV3030zo
Concrete Structures II3151515x
Steel Structures II33015x
Theory Of Structures I4301515x
Soil Mechanics2151515x
Practical Training II5160x
Wooden Constructions33015x
Wall Structures21515x
(in Polish) 4 semestr, Budownictwo, Technologia i organizacja budownictwa, studia stacjonarne, pierwszego stopniaECTSlectegzlabpprosamsemćwexam
English Language IV3030zo
General Construction II21515x
Building Installation21515x
Concrete Structures II3151515x
Steel Structures II33015x
Theory Of Structures I4301515x
Soil Mechanics2151515x
Practical Training II5160x
Wooden Constructions33015x
Wall Structures21515x
6 semester, Civil engineering, Energy-efficient constructions, full-time studies, first cycle studiesECTSlectegzlabpprosamsemćwexam
Economics of Construction II31530x
Law in Building Industry115x
Practical Training III8240x
Energy auditing of buildings4151515x
Energy-saving and passive construction43030x
Energy certification of buildings4151515x
Energy-saving materials and technologies31530x
Diploma Seminar I115x
Computer aided energy calculations230x
6 semester, Civil engineering, Building and civil engineering structures, full-time studies, first cycle studiesECTSlectegzlabpprosamsemćwexam
Economics of Construction II31530x
Law in Building Industry115x
Practical Training III8240x
Construction Of Bridges, Viaducts And Culverts31530x
Concrete Structures IV31515x
Metal Structures IV31515x
Theory Of Structures III43030x
Repair and Reinforcement of Constructions21515x
Diploma Seminar I115x
Computer Supporting In Construction230x
(in Polish) 6 semestr, Budownictwo, Technologia i organizacja budownictwa, studia stacjonarne, pierwszego stopniaECTSlectegzlabpprosamsemćwexam
Economics of Construction II31530x
Law in Building Industry115x
Practical Training III8240x
Protection of buildings against moisture and corrosion43015x
Basics of BIM technology design II2151515x
Diploma Seminar I115x
Technology Of Constructional Works II43030x
Concrete and prefabricated technology3153030x
Organisation Of Constructional Production II41530x
7 semester, Civil engineering, Energy-efficient constructions, full-time studies, first cycle studiesECTSlectegzlabpprosamsemćwexam
Practical Training IV16480x
Thesis and exam preparation150x
Diploma Seminar II360x
7 semester, Civil engineering, Building and civil engineering structures, full-time studies, first cycle studiesECTSlectegzlabpprosamsemćwexam
Practical Training IV16480x
Thesis Seminar, Preparation To Diploma Exam150x
Diploma Seminar II360x
(in Polish) 7 semestr, Budownictwo, Technologia i organizacja budownictwa, studia stacjonarne, pierwszego stopniaECTSlectegzlabpprosamsemćwexam
Practical Training IV16480x
Thesis Seminar, Preparation To Diploma Exam150x
Diploma Seminar II360x

Admission procedures:

Visit the following page for details on admission procedures: https://irk.ans.pila.pl/