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Economics (EEK-NL)

(in Polish: Ekonomia studia licencjackie)
first cycle studies
part time, 3 years, 6 semesters
Language: polish


Translating in progress

Qualification awarded:

(in Polish) Licencjat

Access to further studies:

post-bachelor Master’s degree programme or post-graduate programme

Professional status:

not applicable

Learning outcomes

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Course structure diagram:

Abbreviations used in tables:
lect - Lecture
egz - Exam
lab - Laboratory
p - Practice
pro - Projects
sem - Seminar
ćw - Exercise
c - Credit
x - Final rating
zo - Credit for the grade
1 semester, Economics, part time studies, first cycle studiesECTSlectegzlabpprosemćwexam
Economic geography230 or 18x
English Language I230zo
State science218x
Negotiation and mediation21010x
Fundamentals of sociology318x
Mathematics I61530 or 15x
Micro-economics I61530 or 15x
Information Technology41515 or 18x
Introduction to occupational safety and health04c
Library training02c
(in Polish) 2 semestr, Ekonomia, Rachunkowość i doradztwo podatkowe, studia niestacjonarne, pierwszego stopniaECTSlectegzlabpprosemćwexam
Economic History218x
English Language II230zo
Promotion of Health and Physical Culture020c
Mathematics II41515x
Micro-economics II41515x
Accounting I31515x
Marketing and market research1108x
Modern communication techniques124x
Individual income tax218x
Professional practice I10240x
(in Polish) 3 semestr, Ekonomia, Rachunkowość i doradztwo podatkowe, studia niestacjonarne, pierwszego stopniaECTSlectegzlabpprosemćwexam
Public Finances and Financial Markets230x
English Language III230zo
Macroeconomics I31515x
Accounting II31515x
Descriptive statistics3151515x
Professional practice II10240x
Civil law218x
Business law218x
Rules of performing the profession of a tax advisor318x
(in Polish) 4 semestr, Ekonomia, Rachunkowość i doradztwo podatkowe, studia niestacjonarne, pierwszego stopniaECTSlectegzlabpprosemćwexam
Econometrics21515 or 30x
Finances And Banking21515x
Macroeconomics II31515x
English Language IV3030zo
Economic policy130x
Corporate finance4208x
Corporate income tax1108x
Professional practice III11260x
Diploma seminar I218x
VAT and other indirect taxes118x
(in Polish) 5 semestr, Ekonomia, Rachunkowość i doradztwo podatkowe, studia niestacjonarne, pierwszego stopniaECTSlectegzlabpprosemćwexam
Economy of European Integration130x
Social policy130x
Financial analysis of the company2108x
Financing projects from EU funds2108x
Professional practice IV11240x
Budgetary accounting4208x
Tax accounting4208x
Diploma seminar II318x
Computer simulations in accounting215x
(in Polish) 6 semestr, Ekonomia, Rachunkowość i doradztwo podatkowe, studia niestacjonarne, pierwszego stopniaECTSlectegzlabpprosemćwexam
Economic Analysis31530x
Regional Policy330x
Methods of Evaluating Economic Projects31515x
International Economic Relations41515x
Internal audit318 or 15x
Judicial and administrative proceedings in tax issues418x
Diploma seminar III518x
Financial reporting418x

Admission procedures:

Visit the following page for details on admission procedures: https://irk.ans.pila.pl/