Conducted in
2020/2021-L, 2021/2022-Z, 2022/2023-L
ECTS credits:
Multicultural nursing ERASMUS>MULNU
1. Concepts of cultural care in selected theories and models.
2. Safe and culturally sensitive care.
3. Religious conditions in patient care.
4. Strategies of coping with the challenges of multiculturalism in nursing culture.
5. Human rights and freedoms in the context of multiculturalism. Counteracting discrimination.
6. Intercultural communication.
7. Caring for patients of different cultures.
8. Difficulties and barriers in caring for a culturally different patient.
9. Intercultural communication.
10. Practical application of cultural nurturing theories.
Course coordinators
Additional information
Additional information (registration calendar, class conductors, localization and schedules of classes), might be available in the USOSweb system: