Clinical basis of physiotherapy in intensive care ERASMUS>FIZ07
Working in an intensive care unit places special demands on the physiotherapist. The classes are designed to familiarize with the specifics of the place, the equipment used, communication with the patient. Raise awareness of the need for teamwork.
1. Specifics of work in the intensive care unit. Basalan therapy. Working with a patient in the intensive care unit, in other facilities, who has disorders of consciousness. Differentiation of minimal consciousness state (MCS), vegetative state (VS), brain death, locked-in syndrome.
Method: teamwork based on source materials.
Results: knowledge of various forms of consciousness.
2. The role of the different senses in building a sense of security, motivating the patient to cooperate.
Method: a form of administration - multimedia presentation.
Effects: knowledge of the functioning of the senses, their role in the perception of the environment, the possibility of using them in individual therapy, the risks if the patient will have a negative experience.
3. Types of perception (somatic, vestibular, vibration) as a form of non-verbal communication and stimulation of the patient in his environment. Touch as the primary channel of communication, its importance in human development.
Method: a form of administration - multimedia presentation; teamwork based on source materials.
Results: knowledge of the role of the sense of touch in the therapy process.
4. Independent, planned, controlled experience of sensing while working together in small teams.
Method: teamwork using a variety of tools, spaces, commands, situations. The student experiences communication blindfolded, without being able to actively participate in the process.
Results: knowledge of the possible feelings of a patient who cannot be an active participant in the therapy process.
5. Team discussion of the experience and, based on it, develop a decalogue for dealing with the patient.
Method: brainstorming.
Results: creation of a common position related to therapeutic management to build a sense of security for the patient, enable him to communicate and motivate him to interact with the therapeutic team.
Additional information
Information on level of this course, year of study and semester when the course unit is delivered, types and amount of class hours - can be found in course structure diagrams of apropriate study programmes. This course is related to the following study programmes:
Additional information (registration calendar, class conductors, localization and schedules of classes), might be available in the USOSweb system: